David Sarnoff Radio Club
2002 Field Day Operation


Our club operated in the American Radio Relay League Field Day on June 22-23, 2002 using our club callsign N2RE. We operated from the grounds of the Sarnoff Corporation, located between Fisher Place and Harrison Street on US 1 near Princeton, NJ. We had more than 35 people participate in our Field Day this year. The weather was sunny and hot but we had ample shade, a nice breeze, and most important, everyone seemed to have fun.

We invited the New Jersey QRP club to join us this year, and they convinced us to try running 100% QRP (5 Watts maximum power) for the first time. We also ran all the rigs 100% from battery power. The 100% QRP experience seemed to be overwhelmingly positive.

Club archer Bob N2LO and his son Trevor once again hoisted high dipoles for 80, 40/15, 20, and 10 meters that performed great. We operated class 4A (4 simultaneous HF transmitters) and all 4 transmitters were used continuously except in the wee morning hours. Next year we might consider 5A, as there were times when members were waiting for a chance to operate.

The American Red Cross generously loaned us a small bus in which we operated our VHF station. They also loaned us a 10 KW generator which was gross overkill for charging our QRP batteries -- it consumed 15 gallons of gasoline in 24 hours -- but which was handy for brewing coffee and baking waffles for Sunday morning breakfast.

Special kudos to Stan N2FMI and his son who provided a delicious Saturday evening dinner!

Thanks to everyone who loaned equipment, purchased gasoline for the generator, or assisted in set up, operating, logging, and tear down. Thanks also to all those who visited our Field Day operation. We hope to see everyone again at Field Day 2003 on June 28-29, 2003!

Please send feedback to nu3e@arrl.net.